Sport - Life Balance

As a high school or college athlete, you are expected to excel in your sport, academics, family life and social life. Often as an athlete, everyone around you thinks you are "a great kid" and leaves little room for error. The pressure to be the best at everything you do can feel overwhelming. Sometimes all you want is to be a "normal teenager." You want to go to your high school prom, but it conflicts with the state track meet. You want to hang out with your friends after school, but you have to go to practice. And then because you practiced until dinner time, you have to do homework (since you are in advanced classes you have excessive homework each night). You even have practice and competitions on the weekends. When do you get to live your own life? As your relationships and mood start to suffer, you are afraid to reach out for help because your coaches might think you are weak or unable to compete. Your performance is starting to suffer and even worse, your love for the game is diminishing. You don't need to give up your sport or your happiness. You can enjoy sports and life with a little bit of help from a counselor. Learning how to balance your competitive life with your family and social life will lead to improved performance and life experiences. Asking for help does not mean you are weak; on the contrary, it shows a level of strength that few possess.

Transition to new levels of competitiveness
Balance athletics and personal goals
Balance athletics and relationships
Maintain their identity